
Liperi is a fantastic place for cyclists: we have different kinds of routes for both a casual Sunday ride and challenging, active exercise.

Kinttupolut offer mountain biking routes of varying levels of difficulty to suit the needs of everyone, from beginners to seasoned cyclists. There are 65 km of marked mtb-routes in Liperi, and connecting routes provide a direct path to Joensuu trails (over 200 kilometres of marked routes in total). Downhill mountain bikers are served by Pärnä Bike Park. The diverse routes can be found using the Outdooractive service.

For long-distance cycling or summery bike trips, there are plenty of gravel roads and accompanying countryside scenery, and there is a paved pedestrian and cycle route all the way from Liperi village to Joensuu.

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Ota yhteyttä:
Liperin matkailuyhdistys ry | liperinmatkailury@gmail.com
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