Liperi Kirkkolahti

kirkkolahti tapahtumat. lapset ratsastamassa poneilla.

The harbor area pulses with life

The Liperi Church, located on the shore of Kirkkolahti, acts as a landmark. The waters of Northern Saimaa have been a historically significant thoroughfare. Today, recreational boating is growing quickly, and Liperi’s Kirkkolahti marina is a favourite of Saimaa’s boaters. Liperi’s centre of population has grown around the church, and thanks to its good services, the area is now a versatile travel destination. The marina is home to the diverse summer restaurant Liperin rantamakasiini, as well as equipment rental services. The Kirkkolahti shore also includes a historical mill and dairy area, where you can find a lunch café and shop, Myllypuoti, and exhibition spaces. A new service building will be completed at the marina in summer 2023, which will offer saunas, a laundry and meeting spaces. During the summer, Kirkkolahti offers plenty of activities for the whole family.
Kirkkolahden aluekartta
Kirkkolahti logo
Liperin kunnan logo

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